Mac OS X 10.5 doesn’t support Classic Mode. SheepShaver Brings Classic Mac OS to Intel Macs and Leopard, Alan Zisman, Mac2Windows, 2008.05.20.

Time Machine is a marquee feature of Mac OS X 10.5, but isn’t all of that disk activity likely to wear our your drive prematurely? Does Constant Time Machine Activity Compromise Disk Longevity?, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2008.09.15.Mac OS X 10.5 requires an 867 MHz G4 with 512 MB of memory, but is performance really acceptable on a minimum spec system? The Leopard Experience at 867 MHz, Simon Royal, Tech Spectrum, 2008.12.02.Spaces, a feature introduced with OS X 10.5, is like having several monitors on your Mac without the cost and space of using multiple displays. Why Spaces Is My Favorite Leopard (and Snow Leopard) Feature, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 2009.11.23.These are the last versions of software compatible with OS X 10.5 Leopard. System requirements for this new version for Mac OS It offers Objective-C 2.0 runtime, which has new features such as garbage collection.An updated version of photo booth is introduced which allow us, user, to record video with real-time filter and blue/ green screen technology.A quick look is available which allows us to view the document without opening them in external software.It comes with Alexa voice to voice over and the Apple company assured that it is the most natural and understandable voice yet.It doesn’t the support classic application.It also does not back up to Airport Disc hard drives but this issue is been resolved on Maupdate. Time machine does not make bootable copies of backed up the volume, it does not backup encrypted FileVault home dictionary until the user logout. It allows the user to back up the deleted or replaced by another version of the file. This version of Mac comes with an interesting feature called time machine.Safari 3 is introduced which includes web clip.The front row has been updated which closely resembles the interface of original Apple TV.New dictionary in Japanese is introduced.It has a new group feature called stack which displays a file in a ‘fan’ style, ‘grid’ style and a ‘list’ style.It has the feature to access a file on their computer while far from home through the internet.It can create more useful work with action for RSS feed, PDF manipulation and much more. A new feature ‘watch me do’ is introduced that record user action and reply as an action in a work. It can create and edit work with the new interface. This new Mac OS Leopard 10.5 ISO comes with many new features like: